Ralph the Wonder Llama Fanclub

10 Conversations

Ralphllama's are larger than frogs

The llama is a quadruped llama's are larger than frogs
which lives in big rivers like the Amazon.

It has 2 ears, a heart,
a forehead and a beak for eating honey
but it is provided with fins for swimming.
Llama's are larger than frogs.
Llama's are dangerous, so if you see one
where people are swimming you shout:
look out, there are llama's!

- Monty Python's flying circus

So begins the illustrious beginning of Ralph The Wonder Llama's Personal Space, which can be viewed by you humble citizens here: U206198.

So, , if that IS your real name, you have encountered Ralph The Wonder Llama online. And have been so truly awed and inspired by his noble llama presence, that you have decided to join a fanclub, dedicated to the worship, and pestering of his most awesome self.

Ralph is a Thingite and has been since Sodit, october the 14th 2002. He is thingite number 174, and his illustrious title is "Supreme Commander of All Killer Llamas".

Ralph Uses
Classic Goo

Ralph is a Brigadeer in the Terranic Army. That makes him joint third most powerful.

Other titles of note are:

Sporkite holder of the Spork of Power

The sea-green Knight

a Pirate

a Were-ravenous Bugblatter Beat of Traal

Ralph AKA Insanity, and his skill with the internet

Ralph's charming website about his holiday: Testicles (the Four Powers)

Ralph's regular website

Club Members and Joining

I Worship His Divine Llamaness.


Members of the Ralph the Wonder Llama Fanclub:

Ralphites1) Werekitty2) Odo3) Lou4) Anthea5) Mullet6) Rag Doll7) paul19748) Cat-Eyes9) recklessnes10) BLT11) Uncle Bob12) Luthiena13) Khamsin14) LlamaHiccupHitchiker15) Joe C16) The Sarcasm17) paynemi18) DaizzyBecome a ralphite

The Badge

Copy and paste this code wherever you want a bright yellow badge with two pictures of llama's on it.

<TABLE WIDTH="70%" BORDER="3" BGCOLOR="000000">
<PICTURE EMBED="left" BLOB="B244915" ALT="The Man"/>
<PICTURE EMBED="right" BLOB="B244915" ALT="The Llama"/>
<FONT COLOR="#FF0033" SIZE="4">
<FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS">
<br />
I am a Member of the Ralph the Wonder Llama Fanclub:

<ITEM-LIST NAME="Dropdown174">
<ITEM BIO="U193430">1) Werekitty</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U192764">2) Odo</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U210384">3) Lou</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U203430">4) Anthea</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U227497">5) Mullet</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U202990">6) Rag Doll</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U227860">7) paul1974</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U246671">8) Cat-Eyes</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U520115">9) recklessnes</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U546014">10) BLT</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U563464">11) Uncle Bob</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U553748">12) Luthiena</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U251058">13) Khamsin</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U887569">14) LlamaHiccupHitchiker</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U218534">15) Joe C</ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U899794">16) The Sarcasm </ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U2805295">17) paynemi </ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U1693265">18) Daizzy </ITEM>
<ITEM BIO="A2604944">Become a ralphite</ITEM>


It comes out looking like this:

The ManThe Llama

I am a Member of the Ralph the Wonder Llama Fanclub:

Ralphites1) Werekitty2) Odo3) Lou4) Anthea5) Mullet6) Rag Doll7) paul19748) Cat-Eyes9) recklessnes10) BLT11) Uncle Bob12) Luthiena13) Khamsin14) LlamaHiccupHitchiker15) Joe C16) The Sarcasm17) paynemi18) DaizzyBecome a ralphite

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