A Conversation for The 'Carry On...' films
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Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation May 17, 2004
Who do you think would be perfect for any Carry-On's filmed now?
I reckon:
Dawn French
Zoe Wanamaker
Lenny Henry
Paul Merton
Boris {sorry, forgot his surname, he's an MP} Johnson??
Chris Barrie
Matt le Blanc
David Dickenson
Craig Charles
Any more suggestions?
Today's characters?
Primord Posted May 17, 2004
Sadly, they just don't make 'em like they did before-and I'd much rather see the series left as it is, without adding any of today's 'actors' to the history. You just don't get people le like Williams, Conners, Jaques and James now-people with genuine talent and a magic something. Here's hoping Carry On London and it's like never make it to the screens-big or small.
Today's characters?
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted May 18, 2004
Unfortunately Lily Savage is no more.
Paul O'Grady is just - Paul O'Grady now.
He has exactly the same caustic wit though, and the same voice-tone.
Oh and I missed Jim Carrey off my list.
and Rowan Atkinson.
I didn't mean that the Carry-On's need to be made today, just day-dreaming of the stars of today who'd be perfect in those types of roles.
Today's characters?
hazdec Posted May 20, 2004
If you see the thread on Carry On London there is hopefully going to be a new film with a new team.Already associated with the film are Shaun Williamson, Danniella Westbrook,Gary Wilmot,Jynine James, Brian Conley and Albert Moses although others have been mentioned since Carry On London was announced due to the moving of filming schedual some possible cast have now dropped away. I would really like to see some of the surviving stars make an appearence ,especially Jack Douglas, Kenneth Cope, Jackie Piper, Barbara Windsor,Amanda Barrie and Leslie Phillips. For it to be a Carry On film there has to be some of the stars who appeared in previous Carry On Films in the line up.
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