A Conversation for The 'Carry On...' films

Jim Dale

Post 1


Was in quite a few of the Carry on Films. He often played the 'handsome love interest' and flashed his body about a bit.

He was awarded the MBE last year, in the 2003 Royal Birthday Honours List.

And I met him once and he was very nice. smiley - smiley


Jim Dale

Post 2


I did most of my 'carry on' viewing as a child, and I always thought Jim Dale was really sweet.

Jim Dale

Post 3


Jim Dale is possibly the only actor in the whole series that doesn't look completely like a cartoon drawing smiley - smiley Nice to hear someone's met one of the team.

Jim Dale

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You lucky girl, Peta!smiley - wow

I just posted and mentioned Jim Dale under "Cleo"

He was very good in that smiley - bigeyes nice legssmiley - winkeye

I didn't know about the MBE thanks Peta.

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