IPR presents: Comedy Watchdog
Created | Updated May 3, 2004
IPR presents: Comedy Watchdog
Our guest today is Professor Conical Spheroid, a stout yet sturdy bearded lady of...
That's enough.
Can we get on to the topic?
What would it be?
I'm sure I don't know.
Well, look, Professor, there must be something interesting about you or what you do that caused the producers of this show to contact you.
I'm sure I don't know. I thought I was here to have my car detailed and this was some sort of strange waiting room.
This isn't Binky's Cavalier Auto Care Centre and Video Game Emporium?
Uh. No.
Then I'm probably not wanted. I better leave.
Wait a second. You are a professor of something, right?
Um, yes.
And your name is Conical Spheroid?
Yes. The third.
Ah. Well, see, how did I know that?
See, you are on my production notes for this programme.
Oh. Let me check my PDA. Ah. Sorry. This is Thursday, isn't it?
Um. Yes.
Ah. Okay. My vehicle is due to be groomed tomorrow, so I better come back then.
Um. No.
No, what?
See, you are where you are supposed to be today. Here. Talking to me on the radio.
Radio? I thought that was obsolete! Aren't all informations directly beamed to chips in people's heads!
Um. Not that I know of.
What year is this?
Ah. That explains it.
I took a wrong turn at the decade exit. I've got to go. I've got an appointment for a fetus tune-up in 2072...