Towel Discussions

3 Conversations

"Let me introduce myself. My name's Roostar and this is my towel."


Towels are, as every hiker knows, an invaluable hiking tool and important inanitmate companion. In fact, anyone found hiking without a towel has either lost it or is simply a strag with a satchel. Knowing where your towel is is extremely important (and proves beyond all shadow of a doubt that you are a cool frood).

Every true hiker already knows this, but, as I was drying myself off one night (my towel is clean enough to do this), after a long session flolloping in the marsh, a thought struck me. Everyone's towel is different - so why not discuss it? MaW has at least four towels (no wonder he's a Guru). So... Tell me about you and your towel(s) in this entry's forum!

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