The Best Websites in the World

6 Conversations

Websites are the shop-front of the 21st Century. Every major business is busy buying up all the variations of its domain name and setting teams of pony-tailed programmers lose on their corporate identity. There are also individuals, unknown to the outside world, creating the most incredible web experiences who will become the corporate behemoths of tomorrow.

The time has now come for a vox pop of clued-up, switched on, Java enabled generation1. Thus, welcome to The Best Websites in the World list. As befits the guide this is an ever evolving list. Each site is listed below, sorted alphabetically, with a short description of who or what the site is and its URL underneath.

Well, what can I say about this site. Possibly the most useful site ever, full stop, no discussion, but then you know that as you are here now. Anyway, for those who have got lost here is the link.

Eyestorm are the first true on-line art dealership and it is their use of the medium that makes this site so special. Once the opening graphics have finished try 'delving' for art to see what real programmers can achieve.

Now this is an excellent site for those who are looking to move. Input your current postcode and the postcode of the area you are looking to move to, sit back and compare the results. You can look at how prices have changed over the last year, public services, schools rating, council performance, police efficiency and a host of other important factors.

Most of us join an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and do not change unless there is a very good reason. However, if you have ever wondered how good your ISP is then this is the site for you. It basically ranks the main players every month and there is a handy facility for comparing one against another. However, you may need to check who is hosting your ISP through

1This is you by the way!

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