The Tale of Three Weapons - Chapter 16
Created | Updated Jul 26, 2007

Chapter 16 - The Surprise
'Okay then, let's get to business,' said Rastlin, rubbing his hands together.
Josh looked inquiringly at Rastlin.
'LET'S PARTY!' yelled Rastlin.
'What!?' said Josh, caught off-guard.
'Well, we did what we truly came for,' said Rastlin.
'We came to train after awakening the weapons. Remember, that's exactly the reason I chose here specifically,' said Josh.
'Still, it's party time. We deserve it,' said Rastlin.
After 20 minutes of arguing, Josh said, 'Okay, but only since you won't let up. But nothing wild.'
One hour later...
'YAH! PARTY!' yelled Josh and Rastlin, Josh loudest of all since he was more drunk.
'Aw, I feel awful,' complained Rastlin the next day.
'Too bad,' said Josh. 'You tricked me into getting drunk so I won't waste my energy on curing you. Idiot!' He walked off.
One hour later, Rastlin felt better and they were training vigorously. 'I'm thirsty. I'll be right back,' said Rastlin.
'If you take more then five minutes I'll come look for you,' said Josh, winking at him .(Rastlin keeps falling in the river.)
'Hey, I don't need your help. I ain't drunk anymore,' said Rastlin, annoyed.
'Okay, if you say so,' said Josh slyly.
Five minutes later, Josh found Rastlin stuck in the river again.
That night after they finish training, Josh found an old wine cellar and fished out some good aged wine. The next morning... another hangover.
'Please, I feel wretched,' pleaded Rastlin to Josh.
'You will learn after a while,' said Josh simply.
The fifth day... you guessed it once again, a hangover.
'Ha ha ha, you know I don't feel sorry for you, right?' said Josh, constantly laughing.
Rastlin's head was pounding. He was really dehydrated and to top it off he'd bumped his head 42 times, stubbed his toe 98 times and scraped his back 56 times, all in that same morning.
'Must be a sign!' laughed Josh, pointing at Rastlin.
'Quit it,' moaned Rastlin, 'you're making the headache worse.'
The sixth day, Rastlin learned his lesson.
... okay, that would be lying. Rastlin ran out of beer, although Josh still has plenty of his share.
'Ha ha ha, let's battle now,' said Josh, still laughing.
'Very funny,' said Rastlin sarcastically.
'HA HA HA! You're right, it is,' said Josh.
By the seventh day, they knew what they believed to be the lesser abilities of the weapons, so they headed for the nearest village to re-supply.
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