Happy Birthday
Created | Updated Jul 26, 2007

Max was impatient, to say the least. He was walking up and down past the window, looking out.
'When's he coming?'
'When he gets here, love,' Sandie said. The postman was late yet again and Max wanted him to come before he went.
'I will be going to school soon and I will have to wait all day to find out....' Max let out a little squeal as he watched the postman appear and walk up the drive. Max rushed to the door and pulled it open before the postman could put the letters though the letter-box, snatched them out of his hand and rushed off to open them. Sandie sighed as she apologies to the postman, shut the door and followed Max into the next room.
'What's up, love?' Sandie asked.
'It's my birthday and no one's got me a card.'
'There, there, love,' Sandie said, giving him a big hug. 'Maybe they'll come in the next post.'
'But I will be at school,' Max said, pulling a face and stamping his foot.
'Don't pout and get into the car. I'm taking you to school. Don't want to be late, do we?'
'Don't care, don't want to go,' Max said. He was in full sulk mode now.
'You're going and that's final. Anyway, your friends at school will have a card or two for you,' Sandie argued as she pulled him towards the car. 'And stop behaving like a baby.'
Max could not keep his mind on schoolwork; could not get a thing right. No one wished him a happy birthday, no cards. He spent the whole day sulking. When the school bell rang for the last time, Max rushed all the way home, slamming the front door as he went.
'Where's the second post?' Max shouted from the living room. Sandie walk in and noticed that Max had dumped all his school stuff in the middle of the floor.
'Well... where is it?'
Sandie sighed and picked his stuff up, handed it to him and said, 'Do you mind? I have just cleaned in here. Put it away and change, please.' Sandie pointed up the stairs.
A little while later, Max stomped down the stairs, clean and changed. 'Okay now — now where's the post?'
'There wasn't any. Sorry,' Sandie said, turning her back. 'Now come on or we will be late for my book club!'
'What... not tonight, it's my birthday,' Max whined.
'But you like coming!'
'But its my birthday. I don't want to.' Max started to sulk again.
'Stop sulking, Max,' Sandie said as they drove off to her book club.
By the time they got to the meeting hall, Max was as in a bigger sulk than he was earlier that morning and was not speaking to Sandie as she was telling him about her day at work.
As Max pushed opened the big doors, he heard the sound of music and voices saying 'Happy birthday, Max!'
With a big grin, Max floated from one person to another, all wishing him best wishes on his birthday.
'Well, what do you think, Max?'
'It's great,' he said, giving Sandie a big hug. 'And look what the kids at school gave me.' He showed Sandie the watch on his arm. On the back it read 'To the best headmaster in the world'.