IPR Presents: A prophet may be ignored by his own gym teacher, but what about his mum?, or...

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IPR Presents the Boy Who Invented Alternative Tuning

While most of us have troubled with the well-tempered banjo as she is

played by the well-meaning and conservatively-minded, there are those who

find it necessary to make a hand-held stringed instrumental musical device

sound like something else than what it were.

This evening we are pleased to introduce you to...


Oh, no, not again! What is it, Eric?

The guest won't be here...on time...

What? When will he be here?

In a day or two, but I don't think you'll be able to get much out of him.


He's no longer able to talk.

What good is that? I might as well be talking to a dead man!

I think you will be.

Errrriiiiccc! Why can't you just spit it out? Is the guest dead?

Umm. Yeah.

Why couldn't you just say that?

Ummm. You'd have been mad at me?

Am I pleased now?

I'm not sure. You're always yelling at me, and on the air, too. Me mum don't like that and she says she's going to write a letter to the station manager.

I didn't know your mum could write.

She can't, but she's making a special effort this time.

Are you trying to be funny?

Ummm. Am I funny?

Not really. More peculiar.

Ah! That's good then.

How's that?

One o'my favorite ales is called Old Peculiar.

That could explain many things.

Are you trying to be funny?


Then it must come as a surprise to you when you is!

Remind me again why I am talking to you.

I know where the tea cart is hidden.

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