IPR Presents: The quick brown fox is an indangered species, so what are you doing in it's habitat?, or...

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IPR Presents The Lady Who Invented the Automatically Censorious Radio Tuner

The sensibilities of sensitive people have been offended, burned, and

disgusted by a decades-long trend towards potty-mouthing in songs and commentary, not to

mention attempts at broad humour. This lady, Sister Margaret Irene Postelbochs, took it into her head and her hands to change that.

Ladys and Gentlemen, Sister Margaret Irene Postelbochs!


Lord! Not again! What is it this time, Eric?

Umm. The lady refuses to come in until you apologize.

For what?

You said the "p" word and then you took the Lord's name in vain.

I said what word?

Umm. One that begins with a "P". I can't say it or I'll have to apologize to her.

A word that begins with a "P"... You mean, like her last name?

Let me check. Pss-pss-sss-hah. Um. No. The other one.

Word that begins with a "P"... What did I say that begins with a "P"... Now, I know that a night at the pub ends with a...

Unt-uh! Don't say it, or she'll go home!

You're kidding? She's that sensitive?

Umm. No, but she believes that there might be children listening.

Huh? Ah, now I've got it! I remember what I said. I said "Pot..."

Shhh! You want to apologize again?

Pee! Potty! Potty-pee! Pee-pee-pee! I'm not going to apologize the first time! This is ridiculous!

Ummm. She's gone.

Serves her right. This is just plain stupid. "Potty", a bad word?

Wellll, she thought you knew how she felt. She is a cessnarious...


Umm, kinda person. Sensitive like. Y'know?

Now we'll never find out how her thingie works!

I'm going to avoid that straight line.

Wow. You're speaking in complete sentences!

I can when I need to, like to explain something simple to a dolt like you.

Did you just insult me?

No. I paid tribute to your intelligence.

Did you just insult me again?

If you have to ask, then I would say you are quite capable of insulting yourself.

I gotta get my prescription refilled...

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