IPR Presents: How to capo a Koala, or....

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IPR Presents: The Man Who Invented the Bubble Gum flavoured Bubble Bath

In each of our lives, a bath must intervene every once in a while,

unless we want to be socially unacceptable or join a cult. And surrounding the social event of the bath is a cultural smorgasbord of rituals, chemicals and accoutrements. Among them is the bath soap, which may be the bar sort, the smelly beads, or the bubble type. Our fellow today...


Not again! Go ahead, Eric. What is it this time? Death, dismemberment...?

Is that like wot Gramps has?

What? He's missing a limb?

Nah, he don't do tree surgery no more, not unless you count the Kamikaze trees in the back shed...

Do you know what dismemberment means?

That's what I was tryin' to just ask you. Is it like what Gramps have? When he keeps missing the bus or forgetting where he lives?

No, that's disremembering, like old people often do.

Well, that's not exactly true. He can remember what he had for lunch during the Blitz!

One specific day?

No, the whole time. He were in the Army...

Right. Moving on then. Where is today's guest?

Undetainably avoided.

Un... Nevemind. So, he's not here?

Not yet.

When will he be here?

In about 2 to 5.



He's been arrested?





Yes, I know that word, but I'm not sure how you're using it.

Gawd! What was he convicted OF?

Oh. Umm, some kinda Freud.


Umm. Could be.

So, who might you have for me, instead?

The manager thought you might do best talking to yourself. It's much cheaper...

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