A Conversation for How to Clean the Teeth of your Dog or Cat
Yoda squeaks:
zendevil Started conversation Apr 26, 2004
The human at the did terrible things to me last time I went, he put a long shiny object into a part of me i don't wish to discuss, then opened my mouth & said "
My human feeds me on both wet stuff (unfortunately never Whiskas...am i allowed to say that?) & dry bikkies. I supplement this with , lizard & bird.
I am (in human terms) about 3 years old, & whilst my fangs are as good as the next s, my back ones are pretty yellowy looking. Should i expect (or indeed welcome) an oral invasion from my human? I am reasonably co-operative towards my personal human & she is reasonably patient & dedicated to my welfare (as indeed is my right) but if a disruption to my lifestyle is required, I require a reasonable amount of notice about this.
ps: Could any qualified human please explain why food comes in flavours like beef, but not in
? I am highly unlikely to ever catch a cow!
Yoda*campaigning for a smiley*
Yoda squeaks:
Sea Change Posted May 1, 2004
I agree that there should be mouse-flavored cat food. This is such an excellent idea!
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Yoda squeaks:
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