A Conversation for Plastic Bags

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 1

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Well done. Superb article. I'm hoping it gets picked up by Reuters. smiley - bubbly Cheers

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 2


smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblyAnother party? well, don't mind if i do!smiley - bubbly

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 3


smiley - laughand to think it all started out with"bags: supermarkets, clothes & market bags" scribbled on a post it note!smiley - laughsmiley - bubbly

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 4

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

War and Peace was originally written on the back of a bus ticket - but I can't remember which number.

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 5


Was it a daysaver?

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 6

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

No, I think it took him longer than that.

I love hanging out with literary people

Post 7


smiley - laughsmiley - applause

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