A Conversation for Witty Quotes

Another Chuchill-ism

Post 1

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Just been reading an article about Sir Winston Churchill written by his grandaughter,Celia Sandys . Apparently, whilst attending a dinner party in Virginia, the butler came around with the smiley - chicken and asked him which piece of the smiley - peacedove he'd like. Churchill replied, 'I'd like breast'.
At this, the smiley - diva next to him said, 'Mr Churchill, in this country we say white meat or dark meat.'
Next day Churchill handed the smiley - diva a corsage of flowers smiley - rose with the words, 'Pin this to your white meat'. smiley - rofl

(smiley - disco/\smiley - disco)

Another Chuchill-ism

Post 2


Nice one. I hadn't heard that.

I also like his: "Man will normally find the truth, struggle over, round or under it and carry on."

and his "Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you get older it will avoid you."

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