A Conversation for Irn Bru
THE beverage
Taipan - Jack of Hearts Started conversation Dec 9, 1999
About the only place in Europe where it is a more popular 'soft drink' than the brown stuff in the red can (think santa claus).
Apparently, on recent export to Russia, they also go wild for the stuff.
THE beverage
Binky the Doormat Posted Dec 9, 1999
Actually, Russia is the only place in the whole world outside the UK where they actually make the stuff. There's something like 6 factories: one in Ireland, one or two in Scotland and the rest in Merrie England - and one in Moscow. I've seen with my own eyes a Cyrillic alphabet Irn-Bru label. Most odd.
THE beverage
KimotoCat Posted Dec 10, 1999
I live in Denmark and have had the pleasure of visiting Scotland three times and England twice. The first time I, almost by accident, brought a small bottle of Irn Bru back onto the ferry.
Accident? Heck, it was destiny!
On my next visit - to London - I purchased several bottles and cans of conspicuous orange liquid, only to be very disappointed. It was not THE BREW.
But when in Edinburg May 1996 and later same year, I got the real thing. At one point, I was scalded by the stewardess because she said I was bringing too much carry-on luggage. Guess what it was...
Alas, this wholesome and nifty brew is not available in any form in Denmark. I guess I'll just have to ignore my fawlty economy and travel abroad again soon!
That and the Britich grand selection of crisps make it all worthwhile if you ask me!
THE beverage
Hootsman Posted Jan 21, 2000
As a true scotsman, I proudly live a stones throw away from the Second Irnbru plant in Scotland. I can't get enough of the stuff. Just to update why Irn Bru. The long, almost boring history, is that orignally Iron Brew was the offical spelling, but the government came along and said "Unless that Iron Brew contains an appropriate amount of Iron, it can't be called Iron Brew". I personally think it was jealousy, but I'm not allowed to insult am I? So Mr Barr and his family came up with the phonetic spelling, copyrighted and made it easier for us to distingush the decent stuff. I think the reason the other stuff is "migin" is due to the required Iron content, which I'll not let on I know, since that would overstep the mark.
THE beverage
KimotoCat Posted Jan 22, 2000
Makes you think about what the EEC would do to Irn Bru was it not spelled that way, eh?
I have to express my intense envy! You live near THE plant? Lucky sod!!!
Wanna invite guests? Or start an (illegal?) export to Denmark?
Long live THE Irn Bru!!!
THE beverage
Hootsman Posted Jan 26, 2000
Sorry, but you'd only be irritated. Unsuprisingly there is high security. You can see the thousands of crates of glass "cheques" lying around, but the fence is in the way. I've never seen a full bottle lying out, maybe its sold and drunk before they can put it down!
THE beverage
Keem Posted Jan 28, 2000
A very similar thing happened to me, too! I was wondering aroud Scotland and one day I came across a thing called Irn Bru. We all know what followed, don't we? Tried it, loved it! I bought a few cans to take back home with me, but somebody stole it! Somebody at the airport went into my bag and stole my Irn Bru! What kind of world is this we live in where such things can happen?!
So the last Irn Bru I drank was the one I bought at the airport when I was returning home. I wes feeling a bit sad so I was sitting at the airport, looking miserable and drinking Irn Bru. A tragic scene, is it not?
So I agree, and so do you,
there is no better drink than Irn Bru!
(wow, is this a ryme?)
(P.S.: Of course, when I say "drink", in this case I only mean the alcohol free ones. But we can't compare, can we? We all know alcohol is a whole different category.)
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