A Conversation for Irn Bru
TV Adverts
Lee Started conversation Dec 9, 1999
Does anyone remember the Irn-Bru advert where a kid in a kilt on a castle-top tries to play the bagpipes? He fails to blow up the bag (technical term will be provided shortly by someone else) until he has a sip of the IRN-BRU. Suddenly, not only does he blow up the bag but it actually expands so much it lifts him off the castle...
Well, an uninteresting fact is that I was that kid! I just thought I ought to share that with everyone.
Are there any other IRN-BRU stars out there?
P.S. The advert was only shown in Scotland apparently - so I've never seen it on TV - only on a video'd copy. I don't suppose anyone has a copy of this as I'd be very interested in purchasing it. Please email.
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