A Conversation for A Brief Timeline of Chinese History

Would be helpful if...

Post 1


I think it would be a helpful addition if this article included the modern place names (e.g. I think Chang'An is Xi'an).

Would also be useful to use the more modern Chinese transliteration (I'm fairly certain the Ch'in dynasty is now known as the Qin - although the 'Q' _is_ pronounced 'Ch') as that's what you'll find in China!

Would be helpful if...

Post 2

MotDoc, Temporarily Exiled to Tartu, Estonia

The heading of each dynasty contains alternative transliterations (at least they did when I wrote it).

smiley - martiansmile

Would be helpful if...

Post 3


Not any more!

Would be helpful if...

Post 4

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

smiley - footprints

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