A Conversation for Quentin Tarantino - Film Maker
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Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!) Started conversation Mar 5, 2004
In Foot note 10 it says that "My Best Friend's Wedding" is thought as a true Tarantino film, however, I don't think that QT had anything to do with that film, which of course is featuring Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. Pr'aps it should say "My Best Friend's Birthday" instead??
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JD Posted Mar 5, 2004
Footnotes 4 and 10 still have it as "My Best Friend's Wedding" when in fact it should be "... Birthday." Probably one of my original typos getting carried through. We got the section name correct, at least!
Just think of The Beatles' "Birthday" song, since Tarantino ... well, he was an Elvis man obviously, but ... that is, one can still think of the Beatles "Birthday" instead of someone else's "Wedding" to make the title association independent of bringing Elvis into ... ok, look, maybe that's just a terrible memory aid.
- JD
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