English Rose V1 a Sailing vessel
Created | Updated Nov 30, 2003
This is the rigging for the English Rose V1

This is mainly about the visible labels as they are written in the image.
Some of the mapped links in the image point to this page.
Rolling Furling Drum
Starting at the extreme right the label near the front (bow) with the two lines extending down appears to be "Roller Furling Drum". These allow the front sails to be rolled up like a window shade around the stays. The term furl means to secure a sail that is not in use.
Furling lapper or Jib
The label above it seems to say "Furling Lapper" I would just call it a jib. As you probably know modern racing yachts carry a number of front sails for different wind speeds. The "Working Jib" usually just comes back to the mast. A "Lapper" extends a little way past the mast, and a "Genoa Jib" can extend almost the full length of the boat.
The English Rose V1 is equipped with dual Furling Lappers
Image of 'Butterfly' rigging This and the age was probably just too much for the main stays as they started to wear near the swages.
The label below on to the left reads "Furling Staysail".
Main Sail
The top label behind the mast is "Main Sail" This sail is used most of the time. In high winds it may be reefed ( partly furled ) to reduce sail area.
Storm Trysail or trisail?
The label below that is the "Trysail" I would call it a "Storm Trysail" This sail is only used in very high winds when all the other sails have been furled. It replaces the Main Sail.
I believe the lowest label reads "Main Hatch" although it could have a few other names.
Mizzen Staysail (drifter?)
The label just in front of the rear ( mizzen ) mast is the "Mizzen Staysail" this sail is only used when the wind is blowing from the rear and must be removed before the boom ( the pole along the bottom of the Main Sail ) changes sides.
Radome (radar dome)
The top label to the rear of the mizzen mast is "Radar" and indicates the position of the radar antenna.
Mizzen Sail
The label below and left is the "Mizzen Sail"
The lowest label in this group is "Doghouse" and it is a raised part of the cabin that allows you to look around from below decks. The navigation area is usually in this area.
Wind Generator
The top label at the rear of the boat is the "Wind Generator" Which uses a wind mill to generate a small amount of electricity.
Fortunately the English Rose V1 has a Fisher Panda Diesel Generator providing enough power to charge the batteries. Electrical power use onboard the ship is restricted to (beacon)lighting, Radar and communication equipment.
The last label, is the Wind Vane Self Steering system. It has a small blade extending into the water and an adjustable wind vane at the top that will keep the boat sailing at the same angle to the wind.
The shaft of this system has proven to break easy, by now the English Rose V1 has had already two times a boken shaft.
Image of English Rose V1