Buffy Anne Summers (pt1)

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A green and scary monsterBuffy Anne Summers
Buffy was born to parents Hank and Joyce sometime between 1979 and 1981, her date of birth has never been fully confirmed. She had a happy childhood and would often pretend to be the superhero, Powergirl, a rather prophetic choice of alter ego. Buffy was close with her cousin Celia, until she died, leading to Buffy's hate of hospitals.

In the fall of 1995, Buffy began attending Hemery High in Los Angeles and was elected the equivalent of May Queen in 1996. It was around this time that she was contacted by Watcher Merrick who informed of her destiny as the Chosen One, the slayer of vampires. During her initial foray into Slayerdom, Merrick died and Buffy had to burn down the school's gym as it was full of vampires, leading to her expulsion. Unsure of how to cope with being the Slayer, Buffy confided in her parents, who naturally thought she was crazy and took her off to the doctor. She spent 2 weeks in an asylum, only when she stopped talking of vampires did they release her. Buffy parents divorced shortly after, with Joyce gaining custody of Buffy.

Buffy and Joyce moved to 1630 Revello Drive, Sunnydale, California and Buffy enrolled as a sophomore at Sunnydale High School. Buffy quickly makes friends with a computer geek named Willow and wanna-be cool guy, Xander who quickly discover her secret identity and join forces with her. The new school librarian, Rupert Giles, informs Buffy that he is her new Watcher and that she cant hide from her destiny.
With her new friends or Slayerettes, later and more commonly known as scoobies, behind her, Buffy becomes unique in Slayer terms as every other Slayer before her worked in secret with no other help besides that from their Watcher.

She soon learns that Sunnydale is on a Hellmouth, a place of mystical convergance, drawing various demons, vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches and the occasional robot. Buffy and the scoobies face daily challenges to rid the world of these evils and succeed, though often without the odd mishap, the biggest being Buffy's death at the hands of the Master, an ancient vampire intent on rising and ruling the world.

Buffy's years at high school go reasonably well, she even finds time to date. (see Buffy's Boys*) But the pressure of life and Slaying take their toll and she runs away after sending Angel* to hell, only to find that evil never rests and she must fight it. On her return to Sunnydale, tensions are high with the scoobies as they've assumed the responsibility of Slaying in Buffy's absence and with her mother, who was distraught at Buffy's leaving. When Buffy saves their lives from zombies, things gradually return to normal.

A graveyardWith her friends supporting her again, Buffy must defeat the Mayor, who plans to turn himself into a snake-like demon and take over! As Buffy kills many of his henchmen and puts rogue Slayer Faith (see Slayer Stuff) in a coma, the Ascension day closes in. The Mayor is set to give a speech at the graduation day ceremony and plans on using this as his time to rise. Buffy has a plan, and with the help of the rest of the school, the new snake-like Mayor is blown up, unfortunately, the school iself also gets blown up in the process.

With high school over, Buffy faces one of her biggest challenges to date...... The start of college!
Can she cope with the pressures of college, having a life and the slaying? What nasty evil will the Hellmouth draw and will college really change their lives forever?
Read Buffy(pt2) to find out what curve balls life throws at our hero next........

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