Escape Pod Dreams, the Robots and Illiteracy Issue
Created | Updated Mar 8, 2007
Escape Pod Dreams, the Robots and Illiteracy Issue

It is an odd thing
that many of the people who benefit most from science fiction-based technological advancements do not like science fiction per se. They will gladly pore over magazines and websites detailing the innovations just around the corner, even if they do turn out to be vaporwear. Yet, they can't be bothered to read any of the stuff from twenty or fifty years ago detailing the future that didn't happen. They won't even watch movies showing the future that ain't now, unless it is part of a clip on YouTube. They drive cars that suffer from the forward vision of thirty years past, they sit and watch TVs and computers and listen to satellite radio that benefit from decades of 'what if' thinking and searching by imaginative peoples the world over, but they don't want to analyze or learn too much about the magickal world in which they live. They are too busy taking advantage of it by doing mundane and stupid things with all these wonderful toys.

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1. 8:57 AM
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4. 11:57 AM
Illiterate consumers
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)