H2G2 - GuideML - plain text

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Text in GuideML

Do something funny with floating code in the background

For some character and signs you need special care in GuideML. The most obvious are the hooks (< and >) these have to be written as &lt; and &gt;. To write their code I need to use the &amp; code (&amp;amp; to write that code and &amp;amp;amp; etcetera).

Another well known character with problems is the space. Your browser will remove any excess of spaces (and newlines) but one. That is if you try to format your text using spaces only one remains. The workaround is using &nbsp; this creates a non breakeable space.

The non breakeable space has two properties. The first is to create a space, or even a row filled with them. The second is that words seperated by non breakeable spaces are linked together and will not break by a newline.

The newline (enter, carriage return) does also not work. The simple straightforward solution is using <BR/>. I use this all the time, this is probalby not the way to write GuideML but it works fine.

A more sophisticated way is paragraphing your text enclosing the paragraph with <P> and </P>.

A less known peculiarity is the use of a backslash \

If used as last character on a line (in the code, not while it is shown on the entry), the following newline disappears together with the backslash.

This also happens in postings! Drawing a characteristic bird I had some troubles getting it to sit upright.

The solution for GuideML is to place a TAG next to the backslash. If no TAG is needed you can use \<B></B> or <SPAN>\</SPAN> both work for GuideML.

Postings require another solution, placing a <space> smiley after the backslash does miracles.

Beeline collected a list of A266951

Some of these codes do not show the desired character. I am collecting some tables.

Take care some are huge, most characters do not show, your system generates (some?) default characters.

More or less in order of containing content:
A2032408 The most common characters
A2032552 Big and some tables are empty
A2032859 Some tables are empty

A2032589 How to mask your content for robotic scanners.
A1007713 How to make funny characters straight from your keyboard. By six7s
A2525014 How to make funny characters straight from your keyboard. By rooftiler

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