Immediate violence

1 Conversation

Immediate violence

What do you say about someone who's never owned a TV or gone to the movies who kills people?

Do you call them uncivilized?

What do you say about someone who sits at a keyboard and pounds out lurid scenes or reports about killers and the killed?

Blame is in the mind of the writer just as well as in the mind of the killer. They both have someone to blame.

Words kill as often as weapons.

The wrong thought is just as deadly as a good aim.

The fear of violence is often more awful than violence itself.
The night can be so full of noises or lack of noises that you wish it would just be over with.

Once a violent act has been perpetrated on you, it's over. The fear of it happening again invents possibilities that never end.

And the thoughts of what you could have done to prevent it, or retaliate, they are part of the fear.

Peace is never quiet. It is full of arguments and compromises. Violence can be very quiet and sometimes so anonymous that it's very prevalence can make it seem commonplace.

The prepared person knows what the world is like and is willing to pay attention, knowing full well that reality can be more shocking and surprising than any wishful thinking can fully encompass.

Someone once said to me that there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

"Why are so many people dying?," doesn't need to be answered. That would take too much time. It just needs to be asked, over and over.
For the lesson is in the question.

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