A Conversation for Prague, Czech Republic


Post 1

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

The woman in the car advert!


Post 2

Sporkulious Eglon

The sleigh ride that will cost you 1480 rupels


Post 3

Magnus Boveire ((hiker 97758))

Interesting thing about the place is......um, well dang, not much. Except for the small fact its a great meeting place for anybody who wants to be left alone, or plan a government overthrow. Oh yes, lots of crime, quite a damn bit I might say, but then again im just eccentric, or maybe its the coffee. Getting to the point, Marvin the Robot seemed to love it, so you know its not all that fun. Now if you'll excuse me, i must go clean my Babel Fish smiley - fish


Post 4


What car advert and what sleigh ride ?


Post 5

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

An Advert on terrestrial television. This woman keeps calling this guy, who keeps sending the woman to different places across europe. The woman is driving this car, and apparently her mission is to rescue some guy who was kidnapped by the guy on the phone. Can't remember what car it was, but the end has some guy hanging by his heels from this rope over some pool of acid (or something). As far as I know, it was only shown in the UK, and ended a couple of weeks ago.

If it's any help -BTW- the reference to Prague was pronounced 'Praha' by the guy on the phone, which I believe to be the proper pronounciation.

Confused? You won't be after reading this weeks episode of Silly Buggers. A reference to one of the greatest tv shows ever shown.

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