A Conversation for How to Play Ragtime Piano

Ragtime.... *shudder*

Post 1


Yes. I admit it. I *hate* ragtime. I've been playing piano for the better part of my life, and have come to regard Ragtime as one of the most evil things ever to be released upon the population of Earth.

To be fully honest, the music itself isn't *that* bad, and is a whole lot of fun to play. But see, whenever I am playing with our Jazz Band at school, or playing anywhere in public for that matter, I cannot stand up for 2 minutes without someone sitting down at *my* piano and making an impromptu performance. Even this wouldn't be *so* bad, if it weren't somehow required that the music be RAGTIME! Seriously, if a person happens to know only one song 'by heart' on the piano, it is Ragtime. This is a Law of Existance. And a very annoying one, at that.

Okay, done venting now.

Ragtime.... *shudder*

Post 2


You are quite right. The one and only piece that I know completely by heart is "Maple Leaf Rag" by Scott Joplin. If you will excuse me, I'll just sit down at your piano and play it for you... smiley - smiley

Ragtime.... *shudder*

Post 3

Hilarious Joke

smiley - smiley I love playing Alto Saxaphone. Is there ragtime on that? 'The Nutty Professor' is on. smiley - smiley

Ragtime.... *shudder*

Post 4

Researcher 235705

Talking about your "law of Existance" for piano players, I personally have found that Beethoven's - Fur Elise is quite popular with anyone wanting to play the piano....

*sigh* I feel sorry for Beethoven's work... for it has been ruined by many, many, many, many repitions...

Also: people who cannot play the piano, [when they feel like playing it] will play chopsticks, heart and soul (with one finger) and also do alittle tune by running their knuckles over the the black notes....

*sigh* okay, i'm finished now... i had to get that out...

Ragtime.... *shudder*

Post 5

Hilarious Joke

Fur Elise is a lovely piece.
*Blink* My brother is going for sixth grade in piano. But I think its a great instrument in that it is easy to learn and anyone can play it.
I myself play little ditties on it [self-taught] and I do not claim that I actually am a "piano-player" (isn't that a bit haughty?).
*sniff* Fine, keep music alone to those "gifted" enough...defy its very purpose.

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