A Conversation for Toledo, Ohio, USA
Dispute with Note 2
Researcher 201979 Started conversation Sep 2, 2002
Note 2 implies that the disputed bounday line between Ohio and Michigan is now Dorr Street. From my research, the line, also called the Fulton Line is a actually south of Dorr Street. The north south roads alone the Fulton Line do indeed offset each other, as the article states. Although there are no roads alone this line in Toledo, the "Old State Line Road" west of Toledo follows the line partially in Lucas and Fulton Counties. Current onlinw topographic maps of the area can be examined which show the old Fulton Line survey. East of the Maumee River, the line is now a county bounday line for Lucas, Wood and Ottawa Counties. Many other maps confirm this. North South roads along Dorr street are also offset, but for a slightly different reason. Dorr Street is the North boundary for an area called the "12 Mile Reservation" for which the two surveys mentioned in the article both surveyed around. Crissey Road is the west boundary of this Reservation. The other two boundaries are no longer clear. You may view my personal survey of the Fulton Line at http://www.ryckz.com/toledowar/
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