A Conversation for Neil Gaiman's Sandman


Post 1


I was first introduced to the wonderful works of Neil Gaiman when my fience handed me a book called Neverwhere, it took me long to read, and at first i was not intirested in it, but once i got into it. Well lets just say.. by fiance had to pawn for my attention for my nose was eternally stuck in the wonderfull world of the works of Gaiman.
Than one day a friend came over and i told him how much i liked the book and he said "you should have told me before, because i have all the graphc novels except for #1" and i told him he must bring them over. It took me about 1 week to finnish all the graphic novels, and thus started my search for more Gaiman works. While i was travelling Canada i came across American Gods and Stardust. All in all i think that Gaiman is a genius, along with Adams of course, and recently i came across "dont panic" the official guide to the "hitchikers guide to the galaxy" and i was estatic! it was great to have my two favorite writers, all in one book. i havent read it yet cause i am reading "salmon of doubt" but i will, and i will definatly come on here and babble on about how much i love both books.
i think that is it for me

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