A Conversation for Marmite

Scrapple - Not the American version of Marmite, but just as loved (or hated)

Post 1


After reading the discussions about Marmite (which being a self-confessed beer hound, I would like to try), I feel compelled to write about Scrapple. Reactions from trying scrapple seem to be as varied as marmite.

What's scrapple? It's a local Philadelphia dish, made out of pigs. That's the best description I can give because unless you actually make the stuff, there's no way of knowing what part, or if all of the pig is used. It comes sold in a package the size of a brick and has the same consistency as modeling clay. The usual way to serve it is by grilling it as a side dish for eggs and hash browns. And like marmite, scrapple has two distinctive reactions: "Oh dear God that's sick!" and "Oh dear God that's good!". And if you diet is strictly kosher, there is also beef scrapple where cows are subjected to the same treatment as pigs. (Which I'm beginning to suspect is the entire animal thrown into a large blender.)

Scrapple - Not the American version of Marmite, but just as loved (or hated)

Post 2

Researcher 93445

Ah yes scrapple...my diet isn't kosher, it's halal, but as far as pigs are concerned that's much the same thing. I've actually been pining for scrapple lately, and shall have to follow up on this beef scrapple lead. Thanks.

As I recall, scrapple came to Pennsylvania with either the Amish or the Dutch, I forget which. Maybe you should submit a scrapple entry to the guide!

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Scrapple - Not the American version of Marmite, but just as loved (or hated)

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