A Conversation for Marmite
Another way...
scaryfish Started conversation Mar 16, 2001
Another way of eating it is my favourite:
Use home-baked cinnamon and rasin toast.
Butter and apply marmite as you would normally.
Place a thin slice of tasty cheese on top.
This is really great, you can use more marmite than you normally would, as the rasins and cinnamon take out some of the bite, and the cheese adds substance, making a more of a meal of it.
Try it!!
Another way...
shrinkwrapped Posted Mar 25, 2001
Raisins and cinnamon with Marmite? Hmm... that sounds so crazy it HAS to work. Rather like vinegar on pancakes.
Another way...
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jul 13, 2001
Vinegar on pancakes?!?
Another way...
shrinkwrapped Posted Jul 14, 2001
Oh yes. It's acidic, like lemon...
You put it on chips, don't you?
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Another way...
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