A Conversation for Tofu
Tofu in Japan
Researcher 170889 Started conversation Jul 16, 2001
Is there any truth to the article I read which stated that a study showed onset of senile dementia occurred, on average, at an earlier age in Japanese men than others, and that the cause of this is traced to the high level of consumption of tofu in Japan?
Tofu in Japan
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Jul 16, 2001
I can't prove or disprove that, but just do a google search with "tofu alzheimer" looooots of articles!
Tofu in Japan
Researcher 215447 Posted Jan 14, 2003
The people opf Okinawa might not agree with you - they eat a lot of tofu and live to be well into their 90's and remain fit and healthy!!
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Tofu in Japan
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