writing for dummies

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Just a couple of hours ago,

my now-sixteen year old daughter and I were discussing writing bad fiction and how much science one has to ignore in order to follow the accepted conventions of fantasy and horror and fantasy horror fiction.

I mean, you can ignore reality all you want, but if you choose to enter into a mythos created by others, you owe it to yourself to be a little creative in your own imaginings and occasionally turn the tables on conventions by introducing a little reductio ad absurdum. I have had it pointed out elsewhere by those more erudite and rude than I that I don't really understand the concept of reductio ad absurdum nor am I possibly spleling it correctly, but just as sui generis is a fond set of noises for some, reductio ad absurdum is close to my tiny ittle 'eart.

Most fiction and moving pictures requires a suspension of disbelief in order to sit there and read or watch the pretty pictures and read or listen to the pretty noises.

Yet, in order to have a disbelief to suspend, you need to have beliefs that you refuse to have suspended. So, if the fiction makers and film makers can possibly discern the matters and the manner of which and in which you are convinced of what you believe in, then they are reasonably sure that they can also get to you suspend your disbelief in the same way, which actually, in the suspension of that disbelief, is the creation of a belief.

A good story teller can make you believe anything. Think about that. Now, if you believe in the same things that your parents believe and you don't really care or have the time to figure out who told them the story in the first place and you let the very age of the story convince you of the usefulness in believing it, then you have missed a very important opportunity. Your parents or their parents or their great-grandparents may have had the chance to choose or reject the story, the result being the current tradition, but you have not been given that choice. The story is presented as a fait accompli and part of the universe, and your belief is assumed as a fact and a duty. You have to examine your beliefs and the stories and make your own choice. Any rational person can choose to believe a disquieting or a comforting absurdity as a part of a personal mythology. It is when irrational people convince other irrational people that beliefs are magickal and holy and the absurditiy is in the disbelief that stories, story-tellers and mythologies get out of hand. A good story teller can make you believe anything through the simple power of his words. A bad story teller can make you believe anything if he has enough power to punish you if you don't take him seriously.

The ubiquity of technology has rational and irrational people believing that anything is possible. Thank you, GE. Thank you, Siemens. Thank you, Sony.

On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson once supposedly said,"I don't believe anything in the newspapers but the advertisements."
Think about that for a little while. Write if you find work. Second prize is two trips to Cleveland.

YMMV, offer subject to local taxes, ordinances and legal clowns piling out of a small car...

Tune in next week when Micheal Palin will prove that Noah's Ark was a spaceship from Silesia.

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