A Conversation for The Turing Test
Enter Eugene
Recumbentman Posted Jun 23, 2014
How very strange that this should happen on the sixtieth anniversary of Turing's death, last Saturday.
Enter Eugene
Bald Bloke Posted Jun 23, 2014
I don't think it really succeeded
Enter Eugene
Recumbentman Posted Jun 24, 2014
The Telegraph had an article saying it didn't really succeed, but it does seem to have met the requirement that one-third of the expert observers be deceived.
Enter Eugene
Recumbentman Posted Jun 24, 2014
Turing's point, echoed by Pinker and Dennett, is that there is nothing sacred about thinking. I think it was Pinker who gave the example of the thermostat; by holding a match under it you can make it think the room is hot. People may say that's just 'something like thinking'; but there is no hard line to cross anywhere.
Loose language is sometimes appropriate.
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