A Conversation for The South West Coast Path - Brixham to Torquay

Any good, Skanky?

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

Well, it's not bad. There's a lot worse things to do in Torbay, but frankly beyond Goodrington there ain't much to shout about. It's pleasant, nothing more. If you're a coast path walker, you'll trudge through Paignton with fond thoughts of 'real' stretches of coast you've walked, gritting your teeth; if you're after a picnic, stick to the southern section. After Paignton, really it's a more taxing alternative to the bus.

My advice to serious walkers who are doing the whole route would be to get your legs going and push on, at least as far as Babbacombe (there are a few places to camp or bivvy in Watcombe woods, or places to roll out your pack by the sea at Anstey's Cove, Oddicombe or Watcombe beaches, but I haven't told you about that smiley - winkeye). If you can put today down as one of those days you have to do and shorten the next day enough to make Exmouth, it will be far more satisfying.

If you're not convinced, at least like time for an ice-cream or beer on the harbour, or do a half-day for some much-needed R&R!

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Any good, Skanky?

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