Norton In Australia

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I think the first thing that people wonder is why did he do it, but then people often say I wish I had done something like that.

Northern Territory, Queensland and back to Sydney

After I returned to my lodgings in Sydney I had to use up some of my spares to get the bike back to a to roadworthy condition and I did this over the next few days. I also got my personal plates RR 33. The bike was a bit dirty but not bad considering the trip it had made.

I think I had done what I intended to do, so I had to set out and get some work as soon as possible. I worked for a few months in my trade as an electrician and took a trip down to Tazmania. While there I saw this unusual sign.

Look out for penguins!

I did various other trips and did some work fruit picking in Victoria and also in Queensland. While I was there we had tropical rains that caused floods and for some reason the Norton got one of its cylinders filled with water. I siphoned out the water and then started the bike up. I am sure it caused damage and I decided I had done as much as I could, so I made my way back to Sydney and thought it was time for the bike to be sent back to the UK in July 1983.

Way down south

This was a board that was made up when the bike went to a show in London it gives a good idea of where it went. The round trip was approx 10,000 miles but a further 13,000 were done in the eastern states and going to Tazmania.

The board of the complete round-Australia trip

There are always things you would like to do and I would have liked to do the Birdsville Track - the biggest problem would have been I would have to carry extra fuel which is a hazard. I must admit I would still like to do that trip.

The final photograph shows a memorable day for me. The picture was taken on 13th April 1988 which was when I went with my dad to Stanford Hall, Leicestershire, where the bike was on show for a number of years. We got it started after a 5 year rest. This was a really memorable day for me as it was the last one with my father - he died 2 days later. I still like my bikes and would like to do some distance riding again. What is in the future no one knows...

Lasting memories

The Norton In Australia Archive


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