A Conversation for Lutefisk
Fish Grits
RickyRaccoon Started conversation Sep 16, 1999
As a raccoon from the American South, this thought immediately occurred to me: Caustic Soda... are we speaking of lye? If so then I think we might be onto a new food. Lye is used to convert normal corn (maize) to hominy, which is then ground up to make a food called grits. So after having immersed the fish in the caustic soda and rinsing it off, dry it out again and grind it up. Voila! Fish grits. Just add hot water. Cup-O-Fish!
Fish Grits
Piscus Flaccus Posted Nov 2, 1999
I can't wait.
(enthusiastically) <-- irony in case you missed it
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Fish Grits
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