A Conversation for PG Wodehouse - Humorist
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A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
U168592 Posted Apr 10, 2007
A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 10, 2007
It is good. There are just a few tiny things you can tidy up:
"Though Wodehouse began his career writing poems for magazines like Punch and adventure stories for English school-boys, and continued for years to write whatever he thought would sell, Wodehouse eventually settled on and perfected a wonderfully frothy and particularly English4 kind of light romantic farce - as he put it, 'musical comedy without the music'." - the repition of "Wodehouse" in that sentence should be avoided.
a rather shady, yet loveable character -- this should either have a comma after loveable or not comma after shady. I favour the latter.
his first book he wrote by hand --> the first book he wrote by hand
"However, these accusations were untrue, but he was vilified by many, though defended by some fellow writers " -- this has too many conditionals in it. It should be something like:
"It is hard to see any basis for these accusations. Nevertheless, he was vilified..."
Madame Tussauds --> Madame Tussaud's
At the time, he was working on -- this doesn't sound quite right. I suggest:
At the time of his final illness, he was working on
A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 17, 2007
Hi Wyatt!
Are you sure about the term Ilag for a German Prison Camp? I thought the word was lager, but I don't know whether that is singular or plural.
Other than that, I think this update is ready to go.
A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 17, 2007
Thanks, Titania!
Is everybody happy, then, that this update should go ahead?
A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 17, 2007
OK, it's done. I've requested the promotion from the eds.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Apr 17, 2007
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'PG Wodehouse - Humourist' to 'PG Wodehouse'.
Key: Complain about this post
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A20615104 - PG Wodehouse - Humourist (Update)
- 21: U168592 (Apr 10, 2007)
- 22: U168592 (Apr 10, 2007)
- 23: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 10, 2007)
- 24: Wyatt (Apr 11, 2007)
- 25: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 17, 2007)
- 26: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 17, 2007)
- 27: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 17, 2007)
- 28: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 17, 2007)
- 29: Wyatt (Apr 17, 2007)
- 30: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 17, 2007)
- 31: h2g2 auto-messages (Apr 17, 2007)
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