A Conversation for Contradictions in Terms
How did that get in there?
26199 Started conversation May 1, 2000
'Sensitive Male'
We're not insensitive, we're just... er...
(...someone help me out here!)
How did that get in there?
Moonjack Posted May 1, 2000
How about this: only the MAJORITY of males are insensitive. According to all my friends, male and female, I'm positively mushy. And I'm not afraid to say it either.
How did that get in there?
Cupid Stunt Posted May 12, 2000
I'd prefer: "A percentage of Males are insensitive". Without saying what percent.
How did that get in there?
26199 Posted May 12, 2000
Clever. That's like saying 'either some guys are insensitive, or no guys are insensitive, or somewhere in between'.
But it doesn't sound like that
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How did that get in there?
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