A Conversation for The Anchor at Bankside, Southwark, UK

The Anchor Bar

Post 1


Southwark Cathedral is a living cathedral,i.e. good people doing good works quietly. The history on its walls is not the history of famous old military victories; victories gained because God so blessed Britain that he allowed her to give its sons and daughters to the gaining of them. It is the history of the real folk of the burgh. It is also a modern church that fights the good fight against more modern ills such as poverty and dictatorship, e.g. Mugabe.
Well worth a visit, and although the victuals are from a multi-national, it is worth it for ten minutes, or longer, to sit in the courtyard and reflect.
And I am an atheist, so I am not touting for holy work. Cynics might say I am trying to gain some brownie points here, just in case, but if you're in the area, take a peek in.

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The Anchor Bar

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