Opinion Point

1 Conversation

The World's Latests Headlines Summed
Up By Michigan Ambassador

Presidential Fish by Amy the Ant

Big Screen, To Governor1?

Mister 'I Promise', aka Arnold Schwarzenegger (phew that was long to type) has won the Californian governors chair.

I'll admit that Davis didn't do a whole heck of a lot of good; the State is in billions of dollars of deficit, schools are suffering and unemployment rates have soared during his reign. While some say that he is suffering the economic blows from his predecessor2, there were still things he could have done to help schools and unemployment rates and he could have definitely put the state on a much more strict budget.

Many people, including myself, do not feel that 'Arnie' should be privileged to have the Governors position, though my opinion doesn't matter in this vote since his state is hundreds of miles away from my own. He's been quoted by E! - and other television interviews - as saying that 'After a movie star I want to become a Governor because I can't run for President'. It almost makes you wonder if he has some sort of list of 'Things to do before I die' as if it
was a personal victory for him, not a victory for his supporters.

If he can manage to avoid becoming the spectacle we usually make of actors and big Hollywood people, maybe he can pull this government thing off. It's going to take a whole heck of a lot, I'll tell you that. In the end, as with all good politicians, he will have a group of people who simply adore him and pledge their loyalty to him and there will be the group that absolutely loathes him.

He'll just have to come out on top with one or two extra people in that 'loyalty' group. He's going to have to take what money they do have and cut it away from non-essential things and, as if their tax rates aren't bad enough, he may have to raise them and funnel their tourist monies someplace else.

Only time will tell! I will enjoy hearing your opinions and responses to the BBC news article - and my own opinions if you so choose.

Michigan Ambassador

The Opinion Point

09.10.03 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Please read BBC News for a full report.2Some believe that the effect a governor, or president, has on the economy takes around eight years to see.

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