A Conversation for Real Bread-making

Bread making, using rye, spelt, barleycorn flour?

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - weird
WAs just now making a loaf of bread (rosemary, basil, sessamy seed and strong wholemeal flour). And was thinking, that I might try some differnt flour next time.....
A quick look, just now on the grocery shop web-site, gives me quite a range of various strong white, brown, wholemeal, multigrain, etc, but the ones that caught my attention in particularly, was the organic spelt flour....
On reading their 'blurb' apparently spelt is an old type of grain that predates modern flour grains, used by the Romans... anyone used spelt?
Rye, well I think I oughta know what a rye loaf would tend towards tasting like, but still tempted to try that one at some point...
And barleycorn? Can that even be used for making bread?
Basically... Woudl there be anything wildly differnt one would have to do if making bread using one of these less standard flours? smiley - dohsmiley - chef actually oughta go see if this loaf has risen enough yet smiley - runsmiley - chef

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Bread making, using rye, spelt, barleycorn flour?

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