Trivial, Totally Utterly and Completely Useless Information

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Hi! I am fascinated by trivia and useless info, so I thought I'd share some of my favourite tidbits and nuggets of wisdom with you.

The dot above the letter 'i' is called a tittle. (this has got to be the most useless fact ever)

Charlie Chaplin once came third in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike competition.

Florence Nightingale was a hypochondriac and kept her pet owl in her pocket at all times.

Ghengis Khan killed his own brother in an argument over a fish.

When D. H. Lawrence died, his lover Frieda had his ashes tipped into a concrete mixer and put into her new mantlepiece.

Anne Boleyn had the habit of throwing up during mealtimes. This habit was first dicovered by her husband at her coronation. She always employed a lady-in-waiting whose function was to hold up a blanket when the Queen looked ready to vomit.

A popular fashion in the eighteenth century was to have a set of mouseskin eyebrows kept in place by fish glue.

In Great Britain, a law was passed that stated that every male over the age of 16 was required to do one hour's compulsory archery practice a week, under the supervision of the local clergy. This law has never been repealed, soit still stands today.

A polar bear's fur is not white. It is, in fact, colourless. The abscence of colour apparently enables more heat to be trapped.

The hyoid bone in the human throat is not attached to any other bone.

Oliver Cromwell passed a law in England that made it illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas day. Interestingly, this law was never repealed either.

Peanuts are one of the main ingredients of dynamite.

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

In 1983, a Japanese artist named Tadahiko Ogawa made a copy of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa entirely out of toast.

The only bird that is able to fly backward is the hummingbird.

The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

The two lines that connect the bottom of your nose are known as philtrums.

There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

Mel Blanc, made famous by his portrayal of the legendary cartoon character Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.

The worlds longest earthworm was measured at six meters long

Outer space is 65 miles from the surface of Planet Earth.

Cat's urine glows in pitch-back darkness.

Cats are the only domestic animals not mentioned in the bible.

The giant Komodo Dragon is not poisonous, but it's mouth is so full of germs that a bite can still prove fatal.

Expect to see more of these as I discover them!

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