A Conversation for An Overview of Governments in the United States
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andicat Started conversation Aug 24, 2004
"The legislative branch is know by the name of the President, such as the 'GW Bush administration' or the 'Clinton administration'. "
I believe this is wrong. When we say "Bush administration" we are generally talking about the executive branch. At least that's the result of an informal poll among researchers at the American University where I work!
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Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Aug 24, 2004
Good catch, I don't know how that one slipped by me! I have notified the powers that be so it should be corrected soon.
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b9nr515 Posted Feb 5, 2005
Just stopped by doing a little home work (I left my government book im my locker). Noticed that you said the vice president does nothing. He actually acts as president of the Senate durring his term. Not really an exciting job, but he does do something.
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