A Conversation for American Slang

Up Here In MinneSOHta...

Post 21

chickadee (wheee!)

i can deal with thirties, if people wear fleece. even here, in winter everyone wears a polarfleece jacket. would that look strange? how do people deal with weather like that? *brrr*

Up Here In MinneSOHta...

Post 22

chickadee (wheee!)

and how's the biology there? or philosophy? do tehy have german , or foreign exchange?

Up Here In MinneSOHta...

Post 23


We're experiencing thirties right now...it's cold, even for me, since it came quite suddenly. Don't worry about what other people wear, just keep yourself warm, I guess is the advice I'd give you. Most people have graduated to their winter jacket already.

The english department here depends on what one is more interested in. My roommmate says apparantly the creative writing aspect of english isn't that great b/c we don't have any professors solely devoted to that pursuit. Otherwise, the literature aspect is really good, and the professors are good as well. (Haha, can you tell I'm not an english major?). The german department is also very good. Apparently, it is one of the best departments available. The classes are hard, but in a good way (AKA they make you learn german), and it is better than the University of Minnesota, even though the U's is a bigger dept. (again, this is what my roommate tells me; I take Russian, also an excellent program, though it may be cut! smiley - cry ). Hope that helps, I'll talk about the philsophy department in a bit, after I talk to my friend who is a philosophy major. Cheerio!

Neutrino smiley - scientist

BTW, if you need to know anything about physics/math, that's my specialty (Russian, too!), just let me know!

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