A Conversation for Vegetarianism

this is annoying

Post 1


Was this entry posted simply to make fun of vegetarians?

I don't see why this issue always has to be an argument. I don't eat meat because I have a hard time digesting it. I do eat fish and crustaceans because those are not as hard to digest. I don't personally have an objection, in principle, to killing animals for food. However, I believe if you are going to eat dead animals, you ought to at least once in your life kill and clean your own. Buying chunks of red stuff that in no way resembles the animal it originally came from is just not the same thing. I think there would be more vegetarians if everyone had to do this. Even the rabid, anti-vegetarian, "GIVE ME MEAT OR GIVE ME DEATH" bunch ought to try this.

this is annoying

Post 2

Mr. Tuvai

Even if it wasn't written for the sole purpose of taunting vegetarians, it's pretty clear this was written by a carnivore.

this is annoying

Post 3

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I think you'll find that the most rabid "Give me meat or give me death" types are the ones who stalk through the trees taking potshots at Bambi. smiley - winkeye

To those who have objections to the slant of this article, my suggestion is that you write one of your own. If it is better, this article will be superceded, and if not, then at least your material may be incorporated into this one for a more balanced view.

Colonel Sellers, who has killed and cleaned his own seafood and rabbit, and finds truly fresh meat infinitely more appealing than processed food.

this is annoying

Post 4


My parents live next to a deer lease and believe me, those guys stalking through the woods in search of Bambie DO NOT clean their own meat the vast majority of time. There is a little butcher shop down the road where they drop off their prey to have it processed into meat chunks they can eat without having to recognize what it came from.

this is annoying

Post 5


My parents live next to a deer lease and believe me, those guys stalking through the woods in search of Bambie DO NOT clean their own meat the vast majority of time. There is a little butcher shop down the road where they drop off their prey to have it processed into meat chunks they can eat without having to recognize what it came from.

That is, if they bother to keep any part of it besides the antlers at all.

this is annoying

Post 6


whats wrong with baiting veggies. silly hippies

this is annoying

Post 7


if we all decided to save the animals and turn veggis then every sheep, cow, pig , chicken, turkey etc etc would have to be slaughtered. some animal lovers!!

this is annoying

Post 8


your comment makes no sense! It is unrealalistic to think that everyone in the world would turn veggie overnight, as more people do become veggie the demand for meat decreases, slowing the meat industry to a halt.

this is annoying

Post 9


anyway *pause* i like hippies...
smiley - chick

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