Sex, needles, stupidity and fashion.

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Tattoos are fascinating to me. I don't have one. I don't really intend to ever have one, unless I enter into a phase of my subtly-aging life that I cannot now comprehend.

I am surrounded by people with tattoos. Not an hour goes by at my job with an inconvenience store that I am not presented with illustrated men and women, boys and girls.

The thought process that leads to such adornment eludes me. Granted, some of the images are fascinating, but considering that they are meant to be seen by the observer rather than admired by the wearer, I wonder that more consultation should be engaged with the prospective viewers. I might be prone to wear the same clothing for a couple of days out of general laziness, but wearing the same stupid picture on my back or arms for the rest of my days just doesn't fit in with my plans for exterior decoration.

Having said that, I must take a step back and say that I have very less much trouble with those who would like to display their favorite Disney character across their thorax, or image of Jesus having a less than a fun time in his party hat of thorns on their leg or their forearm, than those who wake up one morning and decide that their genitalia is not all that it could be while it remains unadorned with ink...

The piercing aficionados, with their barbells and barbs and jewels and german silver and stainless steel are jarring enough to me. I personally don't think that there is single part of me that would be improved by becoming aerated. While I have difficulties with those who find it necessary to pierce their earlobes so that bangles and dangles can be mounted and hung from them, and I have even more difficulty with those who find it useful to pierce babies earlobes so that, y'know... The very concept of a legally competent adult human waking up one morning and saying, "Gee, my willy seems a little blank, I think it needs a little decoration", simply gives me..., well, the willies! I can not even wrap my little mind around the concept of of a grown woman waking up one bright morning and saying, "Jeepers, my fanny seems a little blank..."!

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