Gee, I think I'll have my daughter's little man in a boat hacked off...

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The cultural and religious significance of the clitoris is still in the stone ages.

While the bejeweled folks in the scented palaces of ancient India, China, Persia, and brightest Africa celebrated their versions of the Kama Sutra with it's appreciation of the usefulness of an unaltered female, the great unwashed were apparently celebrating the new dominance of ascetic male gods over the old pagan goddesses by running around with flint tools scraping any hint of eroticism from between their wives and daughters legs, rendering them drones fit only as receptacles for reproduction.

Gee, this was only last week, wasn't it?

The males, meanwhile, find it suitable to hack and pierce and modify their selves and their sons, to the point where the wedding night became a joining of scar tissues, and the propagation of the family line became more of a miracle, as various apertures had to be unsutured and various bits of discomfort had to be endured while the natural order of things did it's best to carry on in the face of almost complete human ignorance of reality.

I'm not engaging in racism, cultural or otherwise. I'll get to the stupid behavior of the lighter and more western idiots in a bit. There is no racism in telling sexist morons of any color or culture that it is sick, disgusting and mean to destroy the bodies of their living children for the sake of the words of dead men.

Those bejeweled castle and palace-dwelling sexual acrobats mentioned above had no problem hacking away at the private bits of their servants, prisoners and enemies. Eunuchs and castratos have been found useful in many cultures over the years. Apparently, since it allowed access to the higher levels of caste, the removal of one's 'boys' was considered by some families as a form of advancement for a son who had little hope of inserting himself into society through the prominence of his own intellect or ability. The seeming usefulness of a piercing, angelic (?), and effeminate voice in stimulating the proper contemplative air of religious meditation made the mutilation of young boys an easy affair, considering that once their voices and their testicles changed, they would become somewhat less than holy.

Hospitals are supposed to be progenitors of learning, modernity, and respect for the human body. Yet, in each country that has a few or many, the doctors engage in cultural acts that belie their education. Witness what happens to babies. In many cases, when a 'less than perfect' child is produced by admittedly 'less than perfect' parents, the surgeons are there at hand to offer advice and scalpels to help improve upon what nature failed to deliver. Now, when you have a child who is struggling for life, this makes a certain amount of sense. When you have a child with a major deformity that will make them the laughing stock of other children with functioning eyes, this also makes a certain amount of sense. But when a doctor tells you that your boy child's penis needs it's overcoat curtailed or when a doctor tells you that your girl child's clitoris is too prominent or her labia too big... I think any rational person caught up in the strain of new parenthood should step back a bit and wonder just why these vultures are choosing this moment to advise you to engage in a modification of your child's person that has no medical justification and might even cause your child to later, when it is more coherent, ask you, "Why, Mummy?" This is, of course, in such cases as when the doctors ACTUALLY CONSULT YOU. Apparently, the Medicos often make such decisions on their own, do the snip-snip as a matter of course, charge you or your insurance company for the procedure as part of a laundry list of costs and if you have a problem or a lawyer later, they will refer you to an administrator or a mental health counselor.

According to the World Health Organization and the UN, there are doctors in "civilized" bits of the world who believe that FGM performed under clinical conditions, with respect to technique, hygiene and healing attention, can be a better thing than when it is performed in a dirty hut with a bit of old hacksaw by a filthy old woman with no training except experience. Also according to the World Health Organization and the UN, these doctors are missing the big picture with their cultural myopia. FGM, particularly types II, and III, not only adversely effect the health and well-being of the "patient" but also adversely effect the health and well-being of any fetus that the poor dear might manage to conceive under those less than ideal conditions of scarring and severely altered natural function. Normal vaginal birth is almost impossible when the birth canal leads to a damaged opening into the world. The ethical usefulness of a supposed medical professional who didn't get the message that this sort of thing is real NO-NO if one wants to remain a real doctor instead of a cultural drone is severely questionable.

The female apparatus is not a pile of bits and pieces to be hacked and whacked and modified at random. It is a whole of enormous importance. It is an organism and a metabolism of tremendous complexity and magnificence. The Goddess had a clue. It is man who doesn't. People who don't believe that evolution and creation, however they imagine it, didn't know what it was doing when it produced the female form have abrogated their rights as humans and adults. Anyone who believes and teaches that men are pure and womens are dirty is insane. Anyone who believes and teaches that men are holy and women are evil is insane. Any culture or religion that tortures females, young and old, infant, mature and crone, as a matter of course and is willing to fight to continue to engage in such torture, has given up it's right to exist.

And as far as I can tell, that pretty much covers a good portion of humanity.

Postscript: What makes all this all the more ironic is that apparently a whole pile of women in the 'free' world have little idea where their clitorises are nor what purpose they might serve in improving their sense of self or well-being. The idiots who are busy scraping them off know what they are, where they are and are fully conscious of what is being taken away with the bit of flesh. The double irony is that many of the idiots who condone this activity once had it done to themselves. Thus, the victims become the victimizers. The ignorance of the 'free' females makes it harder for them to understand the plight of the tortured.

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