Gee, I think I'll have a piece of metal inserted in my privates...

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There is a certain sort of pervert (as opposed to a hobbyist or a student) who gets off on surgical details,

who collects photographs and videos of surgical procedures, collects surgical instruments and equipment, as well as garments and sheets and hattage.

They also collect specimens, in jars and on slides. Some of these folks have endured surgery or extended stays in hospital themselves, while others have just become fascinated or sexually excited by the trappings and invasive mindset of the surgical suite.

Yet, as yucksome as these folks are, there is an even eerier set of peoples, those who are addicted to and fascinated by the concept of surgical procedures upon their own persons. These folks spend thousands of dollars on just the right alterations, and sometimes spend years shopping for the right meat tailor or seamstress, all the while saving madly in order to afford their dreamed-upon removal or addition.

And on a tertiary level of strangeness, there are those who choose not to have things done to themselves, but prefer to hang around children and spouses and mistressae and masterii who have had their bobs and things and butts and bellies and cheeks and epicanthic areas modified, amplified and terraformed.

I have trouble thinking of any circumstance in my neuro-chemistry balance that would lead me to wake up someday and rue the fact that my genitalia could pass through a metal detector without setting it off. I have trouble thinking of any circumstance that would lead me down to the piercing salon to to decide which level of aeration I would like in my privates. I cannot conceive of poring through a catalog or a display case to find the perfect bit of stainless steel to insert in my impending hole...

I don't even wear a watch or a ring. I can't bear to wear necklaces. I have trouble with clothing. The idea of having an extraneous bit of metal swimming around in my briefs is just beyond any comprehension. And the idea that once I have acquired this bit of hardwear in my softwear that I now need a mate with a complementary bit or bits of hardwear in her softwear so that we can not only knock boots but clang rhythmically at the same time is so far beyond my ability to conjure imagination that I can barely type the words...

Now, there are pepple on the planet who walk around with bits of metal in their bodies that they didn't ask for. Many of them were taking a stroll through the wrong place at the wrong time and encountered a peacefully slumbering MINE or BOMB. Others were minding their own business attending school or a wedding when some careless person let a DAISY-CUTTER loose in their neighborhood. There are pepple with bullets and lead shot lodged in their tissues. They have become aerated and metallised without their choice or permission. Some of them have lost the use of parts of their bodies, including their genitalia.

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