A Conversation for Old Wives' Tales
poison seed
bujinin Started conversation Dec 7, 1999
apple seeds can be poisonous when consumed in large amounts, they as well as most species of prunus [cherry laurel, plum, bitter almond, peach and apricot]all contain cyanogenic [makes hydrogen cyanide] glycoside amygdalin. unbroken seeds are harmless. lethal dose is ~50 mg in adults and 20 mg in children [i have no idea what that translates to in terms of number of seeds]. source for this info is frmom: Westbrooks & Preacher, Poisonous Plants of Eastern North America
poison seed
Jimi X Posted Dec 7, 1999
Hi bujinin!
Nobody can visit you at your h2g2 home page yet because you haven't written anything there. As soon as you do a mob of researchers called the Aces will descend upon you and offer you all kinds of helpful advice. It's actually not as bad as it sounds!
Anyway, let me know when you update and I'll swing over and give you any help you might need! I'm at http://www.h2g2.com/U53353. If you want to make a pre-emptive strike upon the Aces, they can be found hanging out at http://www.h2g2.com?A214796
Welcome to h2g2 and I hope I'll see you around!
Good point about the apple seeds by the way, my father used to eat them all the time just to tick off my mother...
*eyes well up at memories of traumatic childhood and reaches for phone to dial psychologist*
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poison seed
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