A Conversation for The Meerkat - Nature's Sentinel

Love Meerkats!

Post 1

Mu Beta

You'd think I'd have something more constructive to say than "aw! they're so cute!", but I really don't. smiley - blush

One of the best bits of tourist planning at Longleat, which we went to not so long ago, is to put the meerkat enclosure next to the queues for the boat safari (where you feed the sealions and see the hippos and gorillas). There were half a dozen baby meerkats out when we went, and we let the queues past us for about an hour to watch them. Fascinating creatures.


Love Meerkats!

Post 2

Mu Beta

Although, speaking of Timon and Pumbaa, there are two members of my tutor group at school (best friends, no less), who bear a striking resemblance to the cartoon duo. smiley - biggrin


Love Meerkats!

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi MB, see my latest journal: F43348?thread=4193664
smiley - sadface

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