Steps Beach of Rincon, Puerto Rico

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Steps beach, named for its gratuitous set of stone steps sitting idly in the tide, is perhaps one of the most unique beaches imaginable. Popular with the surfing crowd and the snorkeling crowd alike, the beach should also be popular with the beach glass collectors, elderly crowd, infantile crowd, and anyone else who thoroughly enjoys the ocean without all the business of fear of drowning. The great thing about this particular beach is the fact that you actually get to customize your beach experience depending on where you actually set up camp on the beach.

The waves are large and strong which is great for those who like to ride them, but bad for those who are afraid of getting swept away by them. Steps Beach solves the problem utterly. Between the waves and the beach itself, there is a massive shelf of rock whereupon the water gets at its maximum about two and a half feet deep (and that may be an overexaggeration!). These rocks are home to many delightful fish. Snorkeling in even three to six inches of water takes you to another world. These rocks also soften the blow of the waves, so the entire experience can be likened to taking a rather salty, wildlife-filled bath.

What's more, whatever gets washed over the rock shelf into the great bath stays there until transported away manually. With the exception to one channel leading back out into the ocean, there is little opportunity for anything on the beach to move past the rock shelf. No fears of rip tides at Steps Beach! This also means that for those of you into collecting beach memorabilia (glass, shells, salt molecules) that it's not a race against the tide as much as it is on other beaches. It also means that babies tend not to disappear into the jaws of Poseidon or, for that matter, sharks (which are completely absent on that rock shelf).

You may be asking how surfers can enjoy a rock shelf? The answer is simple: Move past the rock shelf. There is a convenient channel in the middle of it all that provides easy access to the ocean beyond.

The one danger that Steps Beach does offer is a high chance for minor skin abrasions. Getting too brave when the tide is coming in too strong may lead to skinned knee, but with care, this can easily be avoided. Also, sitting on the steps with the island of Desechea twelve miles behind you makes for a fantastic photograph. The other danger is actually getting to the beach on a weekend. The best advice is not to attempt it. Surfers like the beach on a weekend and show their enthusiasm by taking over. If you do attempt to enjoy Steps Beach on a weekend, be prepared for a bit of a walk. However, early on a week day morning should pose no problems at all.

If you find yourself in Rincon, Puerto Rico and are looking for a great beach to while away the day, this is an exception that should not, under any circumstances, be missed.

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